Details should be given of project partners and their contributions. An organisation should only be named as a project partner if it is providing specific contributions (either direct or indirect) to the research project.
Research Councils will pay Research Councils' % contribution of the total costs of the project excluding the project partner contribution. Project partner contributions in cash or in-kind should be seen as additional to the Research Councils' % contribution and are not considered part of the fEC of the project.
Attach a letter to the proposal from each partner.
These letters are added within the project partner screen, not within the attachments section. Having added the details for your item press “Save” which will then provide a link to add the attachments.
The content of the letter should:
Confirm commitment to the proposed project;
Clearly explain the value, relevance and possible benefits of the work to the project partner;
Give the nature and equivalent value of any in-kind contribution, and/or declare the value of a cash contribution, and period of support; and
Describe the added value to the project of the project partner’s involvement.
The letter should be dated and should be written when the proposal is being prepared. The letter should be targeted specifically to the project. A standard letter declaring support for the proposed work is not helpful.
If the proposal is part of a joint proposal, only provide details of project partners if the organisation is the lead organisation.
(Please note that joint proposals are not applicable to AHRC.)
Name of partner organisation: if the organisation is a wholly owned subsidiary, enter the parent company.
Division/Department: enter if applicable.
Address Details: these will be automatically entered after selecting an organisation.
Note: If the partner organisation is not in the searchable list, use Add New Organisation - found at the bottom of the search window after performing the search.
Title/Forenames of Contact: enter the title and forenames (maximum of 3) of the person acting as the primary contact for the partner organisation.
Surname of Contact: enter the surname of the primary contact.
Contact's Address: enter details only if the primary contact's address is different from that given previously for the partner organisation. Full contact details must be given, including one of telephone or e-mail (the Council prefers to correspond by e-mail whenever possible).
Note: If the partner organisation contact is not in the searchable list, use Add New Person found at the bottom of the search window after performing the search.
Direct contribution to the project: provide a brief description and the value of each of the direct contributions to be made by the project partner. These may consist of cash or other resources which are specifically to be used directly in the pursuit of the research, including, for example:
Materials and equipment donated to the project
Costs of any staff to be seconded to the work
Indirect contribution to project: provide a description and, if appropriate, a value for each contribution to the project to be expended indirectly - for example:
Costs related to the use of facilities or equipment on the project partner's own premises
The costs to the collaborating body of providing staff time in project liaison, management and evaluation
The Project Partner’s involvement should be fully explained in the Case for Support.
BBSRC specific - Project Partners
For any type of proposal involving project partners applicants must ensure that their industrial liaison officer or equivalent person with responsibility for collaborative arrangements receives a copy of the completed proposal form.
EPSRC Specific – Project Partners
A Project Partner can be any organisation who will not receive funding directly from the grant, but will have an integral role in the proposed research. If there are Project Partners collaborating on a research project, EPSRC requires a Letter of Support from each partner.
Well written letters can significantly strengthen research proposals by demonstrating the benefits of the collaboration, and the potential impacts of the research. It also allows partners to highlight why they support the proposal, and what they hope to get out of it.
There is no page limit, letters should be on headed paper, and be signed and dated within six months of the proposal submission date.
ESRC specific - Project Partners
Please give details of any proposed collaboration with another individual or institution, including any funding committed.
Please give details of resources to be provided for this research other than those provided by the institution of the applicant or requested in this application to the ESRC. However, co-funding itself is neither necessary nor sufficient for an award to be made and contributions in kind, access or other assistance can be as important as financial contributions.
For each project partner added to the proposal a Project Partner Letter of Support must be uploaded, via the Project Partner details screen (not in the attachments section). Project partner letters of support can be accepted by email, and must be signed and dated within six months of the proposal submission date and be a maximum of 1 side of A4 per document.
MRC specific - Project Partners
Please ensure that any NHS costs associated with the proposal but not being sought for payment are entered as Project Partners.