Proposals containing attachments exceeding the stated limits, or not adhering to the specified format, will not be considered. Please see here for cross council guidance on attachments. Other types of attachments than those listed below will not be considered.
Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships (CDP)
Please refer to the CDP Scheme guide:
Collaborative Doctoral Awards only
Case for Support
This attachment is mandatory for all proposals and should be a maximum of 4 sides of A4 paper in a font no smaller than size 11 and each page should be numbered. Please refer to the call guidance document for advice on the content of the Case for Support.
Mentoring Statement
This attachment should be a maximum of 1 side of A4 paper in a font no smaller than size 11 and each page should be numbered.
International Placements
All applicants must attach a 2 page academic CV with their application. The CV must use the file naming format e.g. "Surname CV IPS IPS Host Name 2014" (Farrell CV IPS Smithsonian 2014).
Huntington applicants must also attach a 1 page second academic reference. The reference must use the file naming format e.g. "Surname Reference IPS IPS Host Name 2014" (Farrell Reference IPS Smithsonian 2014).
Doctoral Training Partnerships
List of attachment types:
Department Publications (exactly 1): In this attachment, applicants should provide details of their most significant publications in the BBSRC strategic priority areas in which they are proposing to provide research training. The template for this attachment is on the BBSRC website.
Postgraduate Performance Indicators (exactly 1): In this attachment, applicants should provide details of PhD submission rates for the Partners involved in the submission. The template for this attachment is on the BBSRC website.
CASE Collaborators (exactly 1): You should use this attachment heading for your Portfolio Agreement. The template for this attachment is on the BBSRC website.
Covering Letter (up to 1): A covering letter is optional, and applicants are permitted to include an annex of up to 5 additional pages of information describing the research training strategy of the partnership, in particular connected to the strategic priorities being addressed.
Note: all mandatory attachments must be completed using the standard BBSRC templates available at BBSRC will not accept stand alone documents.
One cover letter may be submitted with the proposal where further information is necessary.
Industrial Case and Industrial Case Partnership schemes
List of attachment types:
Postgraduate Performance Indicators (exactly 1)
Company Details (exactly 1)
Covering Letter (up to 1)
Note: all mandatory attachments must be completed using the standard BBSRC templates available at BBSRC will not accept stand alone documents. For ICP proposals note that the above attachments are located under the Industrial CASE competition details.
One cover letter may be submitted with the proposal where further information is necessary.
Please refer to the specific requirements as set out in the individual call documentation to ensure you provide all of the mandatory attachments relevant to the ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships/ Centres for Doctoral Training calls.
Case for support
This is a mandatory attachment for all proposals. The case for support must not exceed 12 sides of A4 (plus supporting annexes where applicable) and all pages must be numbered. Applicants may find it helpful to structure their case for support around the following headings but may prefer to use an alternative structure if they consider it more appropriate:
Justification of Resources (maximum 2 sides of A4)
The justification of resources should explain what resources are required and why, noting the structures and processes needed to develop these opportunities.
Additional information for consortia bids (maximum 2 sides of A4)
This attachment must be completed by all proposals that include more than one research organisation.
CV (maximum 2 sides of A4)
All proposals must include a CV for the proposed director, deputy director and training lead. This should include contact details, qualifications (including class and subject), details of experieince in the development and delivery of doctoral training and other relevant experience, academic and professional posts held since graduation, a list of the most relevant and recent publications, and a record of research funded by the ESRC and other bodies. This should not exceed two A4 sides per person.
Letters of Support (maximum 1 side of A4)
This is mandatory for consortia bids. A letter of support for each collaborating research organisation must be submitted as part of the proposal. Each letter should be signed and on headed paper and should address the following:
Additional Statement (maximum of 1 side of A4)
Applicants applying to both the Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) and Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) calls must submit an additional attachment using the Je-S document type ‘other attachment’, setting out how the organisation(s) will co-ordinate/support the centres should all bids be successful, this should include details how the organisation(s) will manage multiple bids and coordinate sharing best practice.
Project Partner Letter of Support (maximum of 1 side of A4 per document)
A Project Partner letter of support must be submitted from each partner organisation confirming the level of support specific to the proposal. Project partner letters of support must be signed by the relevant member of the Project Partner organisation and must be dated within six months of the proposal submission date.
NC3Rs - Specific Requirement
The attachments required are detailed within the Studentship section of the NC3Rs Guidance for Applicants and Grant Holders
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Please note that all NERC Studentship schemes have different requirements for attachments. The following sections provide scheme specific information.
Industrial CASE Studentship
Proposals require a number of document attachments:
An Industrial CASE 'Case for Support' Proforma (exactly 1)
Non-academic (CASE) Partner/Company Details (one form per CASE partner)
A Covering Letter may also be submitted (optional)
Industrial CASE awards now contain a standard RTSG of £11,000. Separate forms requesting funding for fieldwork and exceptional consumables are no longer required.
Directed Research Studentship
A Case for Support must be attached to all proposals. This must be a maximum of 2 pages of A4 and include a description of the proposed research and details of the research training. Any associated research grants should be mentioned with reference numbers.
Please ensure that all pages in any attachment accompanying an application are sequentially numbered.
Please also refer to specific requirements as set out in individual call documents.
Centres for Doctoral Training
A case for support MUST be submitted as an attachment to provide more details on the CDT. This MUST be a maximum of 14 sides of A4. The case for support should be used to justify and evidence the proposal using the following headings:
Research Excellence
Training Excellence
Multidisciplinary Training Environment
Partnership Operational Management
Please ensure that all pages in any attachment accompanying an application are sequentially numbered.
Industrial CASE Proposals require two additional document attachments:
An Industrial CASE ‘Case for Support’ Proforma.
Non-academic Partner/Company Details.
Industrial CASE Plus Proposals require three additional document attachments:
An Industrial CASE ‘Case for Support’ Proforma.
Non-academic Partner/Company Details.
A document describing how the research programme in year four will relate to that undertaken in the three years leading to the PhD.
Note: all mandatory attachments must be completed using the standard STFC templates:
The required attachments must be submitted with the Project Proposal Proforma in Je-S. We will not accept stand-alone documents.
All attachments (including any references provided) should be written in one of the following fonts:
standard Arial 11pt (please note that this is the preferred font for STFC)
Helvetica Regular 11pt or
an equivalent regular 11pt sans serif universal font e.g. FreeSans
with a minimum of 2cm margins around each page. You do not need to number attachment pages as this will be done automatically on import to the STFC Back Office. Please ensure that file names do not exceed 140 characters as this will cause problems on import into the STFC Back Office.