Introduction for Je-S Helptext

What is the Je-S Studentship Details functionality?


The Je-S Studentship Details functionality is used by the Research Councils to collect data on PhD students.

Research Organisations are expected to create and submit a record for each funded student within a month of their start date.

The Research Organisation is also responsible for maintaining the record for the duration of a student’s course.

The record should be updated annually to indicate the student’s funding levels, and also updated if there are any changes to the student’s submission date.

The Research Councils can only report on the data provided and cannot update or amend any information in an individual student’s record or in an RO’s account.

What happens when a record is created?

Student records are not visible to the Research Councils until they have been submitted.

A member of the RO’s staff with appropriate permissions will create, validate and submit the record to their RO ‘submitter pool’ (some organisations may also have a further ‘approver pool’ stage before submission). From here it will be submitted to the Research Councils. Once submitted, the record will remain editable so that it can be updated as necessary throughout a student’s course. If a record is amended, it will have to be resubmitted in order for these amendments to become visible to the Research Councils.

In general, an RO will only ever need to create one record per student, and care should be taken to avoid creating duplicate records.

On submission of a Studentship, should certain criteria match those of another Studentship record, a warning message will be displayed advising of potential duplicates. Existing records should be updated rather than new ones being created.


If the student record has been created under the wrong Scheme or if the Scheme is changed on a student record, Je-S will create a new record for the student under the new Scheme rather than overwriting the old record.

Therefore the incorrect or old record must be deleted in order to avoid a duplicate on the system.

In a small number of cases a student will have been funded under more than one scheme. E.g., a student may have been funded under a Masters Scheme and then moved on to a funded PhD. In this case the student would have two distinct records on the system, and these would not be considered to be duplicates.

What is Batch Update?

Batch Update is a Je-S functionality which allows an RO to view and update multiple records.

Batch Update also allows ROs to archive records that are no longer current. This means that they will not appear in any searches, but are still visible to the Research Councils for reporting purposes. In the majority of cases, records should never be deleted but should be archived once they are no longer active.

What is the Submission Survey?

Each year, a number of the Research Councils conduct an annual submission survey which collects data on student submission and completion. The data in the survey is not live, but is a ‘snapshot’ of the data in the system on the day that the survey opens. As such, any amendments that are made to the data in the survey (for example extensions to submission dates) are not fed back to the original record. This means that if a record is amended in the survey – for example if a submission date is amended – then the student’s Je-S record will also need to be updated with that information to ensure that the record is picked up correctly in future surveys.

Please refer to the Je-S helpdesk who can assist you with any issues that may arise when creating and amending student records.


PhD/Masters Submission


Using Studentship Batch Update


Studentship Details