Ethical Information

You may scroll down this page or use the quick links below to take you to the appropriate Helptext section:

Completing the Ethical Information Section
Research  Council  Specific Information
Licences/approvals obtained - BBSRC, MRC & NC3Rs
Background Information

Completing the Ethical Information Section

The Ethical Information Section must be completed.

The radio buttons default to the ‘No’ option .  If the “Ethical” section is not applicable to the studentship project, please select the “Save” option.

However, If the studentship project will involve the use of animals etc (please see the Table below for specific guidance for BBSRC, MRC & NC3Rs), please select the ‘Yes’ option  and complete the first free text box, stating which of the above bullet point statements are applicable to the studentship project. The text box has a maximum of 2000 characters including spaces and returns.

Research Council Specific Information:


Research Council

Ethical Information



If ethical considerations have been considered, please select 'YES' and describe what the process was for considering these issues, what they are (if any) and how they will be dealt with.

Where an ethics review is yet to be undertaken please select 'NO' along with a statement explaining how any issues will be addressed.

Students and supervisors should give careful consideration as to whether there are ethical issues raised by any aspect of the proposed project.  For any project with potential ethical concerns, the student should be given appropriate training before embarking on the project, or as soon as the concerns arise, and he/she should be provided with the necessary advice and support as the project progresses.


to be provided if the Student’s project involves any or all of the following:

  • Vertebrate animals

  • Other organisms covered by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act


The provisions of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 must be observed. Institutions and award holders are responsible for ensuring that all appropriate personal and project licences required under the Act have been granted by the Home Office. All BBSRC awards are made on the absolute condition that no work that is controlled by the Act will begin until the necessary licences have been obtained.



If ethical considerations have been considered, please select ‘YES’ and describe what the process was for considering these issues, what they are (if any) and how they will be dealt with.

Where an ethics review is yet to be undertaken, please select ‘NO’ along with a statement explaining how any issues will be addressed.

It is the responsibility of Research Organisations to ensure that the appropriate ethical mechanisms are in place. The ESRC has its own Framework for Research Ethics which should be consulted by Research Organisations. Research Organisations should ensure that proper consideration has been given to any ethical issues that the research project may raise.


  • Animals

  • Human participants

  • Human fetal material

  • Human tissue

  • Radioactive substances

  • Neutron irradiation in humans

  • Dangerous pathogens

  • Controlled drugs


Section 8 "Specific Conditions and Considerations" of the MRC Postgraduate Studentships Handbook sets out ethical guidelines which must be followed by MRC award holders.



  •  Animals

  • Human participants

  • Human fetal material

  • Human tissue

  • Radioactive substances

  • Neutron irradiation in humans

  • Dangerous pathogens

  • Controlled drugs


Terms and Conditions of NC3rs Studentships" and "Responsibility in the use of Animals in Bioscience Research" set out ethical guidelines which must be followed by NC3Rs award holders.


Licences/approvals obtained – BBSRC, MRC & NC3Rs

Please note that the question defaults to ‘No’ however, this section must be completed if any licences/approvals have been obtained in relation to the details provided within the first text box. Please provide details of the licence/approval information. The Text box has a maximum of 2000 characters including spaces and returns..

When the Ethical section is completed:

Select the “Save” option from the top of the screen to save the text you have added to the Je-S form.


The icon in the Document Menu will change to green

Background Information

The Research Organisation is responsible for ensuring that ethical issues relating to a student’s research project funded from a Training Grant are identified and brought to the attention of the relevant approval or regulatory body. 

Please enter ethical information relating to the studentship project bearing in mind that ethical issues should be interpreted broadly and may encompass, among other things, relevant codes of practice, the involvement of human participants, tissue or data in research, the use of animals, research that may result in damage to the environment and the use of sensitive economic, social or personal data.

If the proposed research will involve the use of animals as covered by the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, indicate:

Please elaborate on any other details which the council should be aware.