Reviewer Expertise

- EPSRC specific

- ESRC specific

- UKRI specific

EPSRC - Specific Requirements:

We would encourage you to provide us with your area of expertise: this can greatly assist both the applicant/investigator and panel members in placing your comments in context. You should take care not to reveal your identity to the applicant/investigator. However, a few key words would be very helpful.

ESRC - Specific Requirements:

Knowledge of Applicant

The Peer Review process relies on impartial judgement from reviewers. You are therefore asked to use this section of the form to state in what capacity you know the applicant and their previous work and declare any potential conflicts of interest.

URKI - Specific Requirements:

Future Leaders Fellowships


Recognising the potential multidisciplinary nature of the applications, you should comment on the proportion of the proposal that is relevant to your expertise. Please indicate within the Reviewer Expertise Section of the reviewer form whether you have provided comment on the whole of the application or specific portions.