Research Environment


- MRC specific

- UKRI specific


MRC - Specific Requirements

Please comment using the text box* on the suitability of the Investigator group and the environment where the proposed research will take place, including:


When you have completed your comments, select the 'Save' option from the top of the screen.


Please remember to save regularly to avoid loss of data.  


 *The text box must be completed using:

No more than 4000 characters, including spaces, tabs and returns.

Only the standard Je-S character set should be used.

For further information regarding Peer Review at the MRC, please see the MRC website:



UKRI – Specific Requirements


Future leaders Fellowships


Host Organisation

Please comment on the suitability of the host organisation where the proposed Fellowship will be held, including:

     Appropriateness of the host organisation for the work proposed

     Level of commitment from  the host organisation to realising the potential of the fellow and establishing them as a research and/or innovation leader

     Plans for supporting the fellow’s programme of work; enabling the time commitment needed; ensuring access to space, equipment/facilities, other resources and other relevant programmes and ability to enable the applicant to maximise the social/economic impact of their work

     Are opportunities for training and career development actively supported

     Whether consideration has been given to equality, diversity and inclusion aims of UKRI in support for the fellow and (where applicable) their wider team and in using the Fellowship’s provision for flexible working


UKRI reviewer guidance and the specific assessment criteria for each scheme is available to view on the UKRI website   


Reviewers are also encouraged to read the Peer Review Framework, which describes how peer review is used in assessing proposals and making funding decisions. The Peer Review Framework document is available here: