
UKRI specific requirements


Future Leaders Fellowships


Please comment on the Research and Innovation Excellence, the impact of the proposed research and the Strategic Relevance, including:


     Excellence of the research and/or innovation case

     Appropriateness and rigour of the methods and study designs including ethical considerations where appropriate

     Importance, novelty and feasibility of the proposed programme of work (and whether long-term fellowship support is needed to enable this)

     Overall potential of the fellowship to establish or maintain a distinctive and outstanding research and/or innovation activity

     Timeliness of the proposal

     Robust methodology and appropriate consideration of research and innovation reproducibility, openness, governance and ethical/social responsibility issues

     The importance and potential impact of the research and/or innovation for society and/or the economy

     What are the potential short or long-term impacts, and how significant are they?

     Are the plans for achieving and maximising impact (from the applicant and host organisation) proportionate, timely and credible?

     Where the proposal aligns with a specific priority area identified by UKRI, the assessment will also address how strongly the proposal fits with the aims for the area; and what it will contribute alongside other proposals and activities in the same priority area.  Note: this is not required in Round 1.


UKRI reviewer guidance and the specific assessment criteria for each scheme is available to view on the UKRI website:

Reviewers are also encouraged to read the Peer Review Framework, which describes how peer review is used in assessing proposals and making funding decisions. The Peer Review Framework document is available here :