Outputs / Dissemination / Impact


- AHRC specific

- ESRC specific


AHRC - Specific Requirements

Please comment on the proposed dissemination strategy and Impact, including:


Please also choose from the two sets of tick boxes provided to rate:


Academic beneficiaries
(note - this section is not relevant to Follow-on Funding reviews)

All proposals should include appropriate and effective plans for communicating and disseminating the research to relevant academic audiences in order to ensure that the research outputs lead to advances in relevant research fields. In assessing these plans you are asked to consider in particular the ‘academic beneficiaries’ section of the proposal as well as the communication and dissemination plans described in the case for support. Your assessment of these should be reflected in your grading for the ‘proposed outputs and dissemination strategy’.


Your assessment of the impact should take into account the guidance below on peer reviewing excellence with impact. In particular you should consider what is appropriate, reasonable and /or expected for research of the nature proposed in the application. Your assessment should also take into account the diversity and variety of forms of impact (economic, social, cultural, policy, quality of life etc), timescales within which impacts might emerge and approaches through which impact might be achieved.

Excellent research without obvious or immediate impact will continue funded by the Research Councils and should not be disadvantaged within the assessment process. Where applicants explain why beneficiaries or impacts beyond academia cannot be identified at this stage of the research and you judge this to be appropriate you should not disadvantage the application (e.g. the impact may be graded as adequate).

However, where insufficient attention has been given to potential beneficiaries or impacts outside academia this should be reflected in your assessment and comments relating to the impact; similarly where proposals include particularly strong or innovative approaches this should be reflected in your assessment and comments. Any suggestions for improvements to impact plans in your comments would be welcomed and will be fed back to applicants for response prior to consideration by panels.

Research Networking:

Where appropriate, please comment on the plans to engage any relevant non-academic groups in the networking activities.


Please comment on the likelihood that what is proposed will have an impact beyond the lifetime of the award.

Please comment on the likelihood that what is proposed will rapidly advance thinking on a particular theme or issue in order to enhance knowledge and understanding.


Follow-on Funding Scheme:

Based on the information contained in the proposal, with particular reference to the Impact Summary, please comment on:



Peer Reviewing Excellence with Impact

The excellent research funded by the UK Research Councils has a huge impact on the wellbeing and economy of the UK. Working together with our wider communities and other partners, we want to ensure that these impacts are effectively demonstrated and supported, throughout the research lifecycle, in order to add value, stimulate interest from wider stakeholders, including the general public, and, where needed, actively highlight the need for continued investment in the research base.

The following principles define, in broad terms, the approach and expectations of the Research Councils:


The Research Councils define impact as the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy. This definition accords with the Royal Charters of the Councils and with HM Treasury guidance on the appraisal of economic impact. Impact embraces all the extremely diverse ways in which research-related knowledge and skills benefit individuals, organisations and nations by:


Impacts from research can:



Research Council assessment processes reflect this diversity and variety.


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ESRC - Specific Requirements

Please comment on the proposed plans, including:


If you do not feel competent to comment on potential impacts, please select "Unable to assess".

Academic Beneficiaries


All proposals should include appropriate and effective plans for communicating and disseminating the research to relevant academic audiences in order to ensure that the research outputs lead to advances in relevant research fields. In assessing these plans you are asked to consider in particular the ‘academic beneficiaries’ section of the proposal as well as the communication, impact and dissemination plans described in the case for support. Your assessment of these should be reflected in your grading for "outputs, dissemination and impact".

Impact on users and beneficiaries beyond the academic community


Applicants are expected to have considered the potential scientific, societal and economic impacts of their research.

Applicants should actively consider how these impacts can be maximised and developed within their proposal.

Within the case for support applicants should:

To be effective, all communication, engagement and impact activities must be planned in detail and properly resourced in the proposal.

We fully recognise the non-linear, emergent and diffuse nature of effects arising from the research we fund and that impact cannot be predicted or guaranteed.


Opportunities for making an impact may arise, and should be taken at any stage during the research lifecycle: the planning and research design stage; the period of funding; and all activities that relate to the project up to - and including - the time when funding has ended

The research lifecycle therefore includes knowledge exchange and impact realisation activities - including reporting and publication, and the archiving, future use, sharing and linking of data.  It is important that researchers have in place a robust strategy for maximising the likelihood of impact opportunities and their own capacity for taking advantage of these.

It is important that applicants have set out how they intend to identify and actively engage relevant users of the research and stakeholders (within and beyond the academic community including, for instance the public sector, private sector, civil society or the wider public in general) and include evidence of any existing engagement with relevant end users.

Applicants should articulate a clear understanding of the context and needs of these users and consider ways for the proposed research to meet or impact upon these needs. The proposal should also outline how the legacy of proposed activity will be managed to engage participants, stakeholders and the wider social science community.

Additional information on ESRC impact definition can be found here: https://esrc.ukri.org/research/impact-toolkit/


Your assessment should take into account the guidance outlined above, and should consider what is appropriate, reasonable and /or expected for research of the nature proposed in the application. Your assessment should also take into account the diversity and variety of forms of impact (economic, societal, policy, quality of life etc); timescales within which impacts might emerge; and approaches through which impact might be achieved.

Excellent research without obvious or immediate impact continues to be funded by UK Research and Innovation and should not be disadvantaged within the assessment process. Where applicants explain why beneficiaries or impacts beyond academia cannot be identified at this stage of the research and you judge this to be appropriate, or where research is stated to be oriented towards academic beneficiaries only, you should not disadvantage the application.

However, where insufficient attention has been given to potential beneficiaries or impacts outside academia this should be reflected in your assessment and comments relating to impact plans; similarly where proposals include particularly strong or innovative approaches this should be reflected in your assessment and comments. Any suggestions for improvements to applicants' plans to maximise impact in your comments would be welcomed and will be fed back in the normal way to applicants.