Overall Assessment - MRC – Specific


Reviewer Scoring


Please provide a score (1-6) which will be taken into consideration by the Board/Panel and will be used to shortlist proposals. The overall score should reflect the comments provided in the other sections of the Je-S document.


Score Criteria:


Score 1 -Poor quality

Score 2 -Good quality

Score 3 -High quality  

Score 4 -Very high quality - Internationally competitive in parts

Score 5 -Excellent - Internationally competitive and leading edge nationally, or of national strategic importance

Score 6 -Exceptional - Top international programme, or of exceptional national strategic importance


Each score is split into four components that Reviewers are asked to consider when assessing applications.


These are:

  1. Scientific quality

  2. Scientific leadership

  3. Justification of resources

  4. Other: principally ethical and governance issues


The definitions associated with each score are intended to give a 'flavour' of the quality of the application that would fall into each score. Applications do not need to fulfil every criterion but the overall score should reflect the sense of the definition attached to it.


Further information and guidance for Reviewers can be found within the MRC Reviewers' Handbook, which is available here. Please select the link below to view and download this document


Please detail your overall assessment score for the proposal by selecting the indicator to the left of the score



When you have selected the score, select the “Save” option from the top of the screen.



 Please remember when all sections of the form have been completed the Review should be  submitted to the Council

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Please enter the correct information and Save. When a section has been completed then the image13.gificon on the Document Menu indicates that the section has been successfully completed and passes validation.

The Submit Document option will now become visible and the document can be submitted.