Resource Summary

Funding from all sources should be included in this section; however, it is not expected that financial details will be precise at this stage. All prices and salaries should be calculated at current prices. Total estimated costs for each of the sub-headings described below should be recorded; a detailed breakdown of costs in each sub-heading is not required.

Enter a numeric value only e.g:

All costings should be at current prices, inclusive of VAT and other taxes where applicable, with no allowance for inflation. Any allowance for inflation that has been included in the full economic costing of the proposal by the Research Organisation must be excluded. The Research Councils will include an allowance for inflation if a grant is awarded.

Resources to be provided by project partners, whether cash or in-kind contributions, should be clearly identified in the proposal – this should include in-kind contributions from the host institution. These contributions are not considered to be part of the fEC of the project.