Technical Summary

Note: This Summary will be published on publicly available sites should the project be funded. Please ensure confidential information is not included in this Summary.

BBSRC, MRC and NC3Rs - Specific Requirements

Summarise the proposed research in a manner suitable for a specialist reader. This summary will be made publicly available if the proposal is funded.


This field must be completed using:



Sharing information and knowledge about MRC's research portfolio is central to the Council's mission, and consequently summary information including the technical summary and summary for successful applications are published on our web site. It is recognised that often researchers wish to keep cutting edge work confidential and that other work may be controversial or have the potential to attract unwelcome publicity. Please do take this into account when preparing your summaries. If you do include information on the use of animals, please be aware that the information - including your name and institution - will be freely available to all users of the MRC web site.


Technical Summary: Entries in this field shall not exceed 2000 characters, but must include the research objectives, such as plans for methodology, including experimental design, (e.g. randomised or controlled trials, the tissues and cells used, animal species need not be specified). Information on the application and exploitation of the research results is required, as are details on the proposed techniques and approaches, (e.g. ion currents, relaxation times, yearly survival rates and quality of life).

MRC - Specific Requirements

Technical Summary: A maximum of 2000 characters should be used to detail the aims, objectives, methodology, scientific and medical opportunities of your study.

Sharing information and knowledge about MRC’s research portfolio is central to the Council’s mission and consequently summary information from successful applications, including the research abstract and lay summary, are published on our web site. It is recognised that often researchers wish to keep cutting edge work confidential and that other work may be controversial or have the potential to attract unwelcome publicity. Please do take this into account when preparing your abstract and lay summary. If you do include information on the use of animals, please be aware that the information – including your name and institution – will be freely available to all users of the MRC web site.



NC3Rs - Specific Requirements


Technical Summary: The NC3Rs publishes the abstracts from its funded grants on the NC3Rs website. Please provide a scientific abstract in the 'Technical Summary' field that will be suitable for web publication if an award is made.