

 - Background Information

 - Description

 - Country of Manufacture

 - Delivery Date

 - Charge

 - Import Duty

 - Amount Sought

 - Instrument Development

 - Quotations for Items over £25k

 - Business Case for items above £115k (net of VAT and Import Costs)

Background Information

Single capital items of equipment costing less than £10,000 (inclusive of VAT) should NOT be included in this section. Please include in Other Directly Incurred costs.

Instrument Development Costs should be applied for in the same way as other equipment items with the actual costs and the amount requested from the Council being provided.

Completing the section on the Je-S System:


A new screen will open.

Description: (max of 255 characters including spaces and returns) The Description should identify the item of equipment. This Description will appear in lists within the proposal so should aid identification of the equipment item.

Country of Manufacture: This will default to United Kingdom, if you need to change this use the drop down list to select another country.

Delivery Date: To add the date click on the calendar icon  Clicking on the Month at the top or the arrows to change the year and month as appropriate. Alternatively enter the date in the DD/MM/YYYY format.

Charge: The total Item cost.

Import Duty: Provide cost of duty applied (can include pence e.g. £10.50)

VAT: Provide cost of duty applied (can include pence e.g. £10.50)

Amount Sought: This is the amount of funding requested from the Research Council for this item of Equipment.

Instrument Development:  Select the box only if the Equipment item is Instrument Development.

Having completed the screen:

Select “Save” from the top of the screen

If there are any validation errors address these before retrying the Save option.

You will now be returned to the Equipment summary screen. Additional Items of Equipment should be added via Add New Item. You can Edit or Delete items from this screen.

The summary page will indicate whether Equipment Quotes and a Business Case are required.

Quotations are mandatory for equipment items above a threshold of £115k (net VAT and Import Duty (£138k inc VAT)). Where the actual cost of the equipment item exceeds £115k three quotations must be provided. For items where the actual cost is between £25k (including VAT and Import Duty) and £115k it is optional to provide up to three quotations.

A Business case is required for all items of equipment above £115k (net of VAT and Import Duty) All requests for single capital items of equipment should be accompanied by a 2 page business case outlining the strategic need for the equipment. UKRI will decide the strategic location for these items and will potentially fund them at 100%. Each Council will have flexibility in relation to the funding of equipment, to negotiate with potential grant recipients to achieve best value from the limited funds at its disposal.

The Equipment Quotes and Business Case should be added within the Equipment section.

There is a "Template" of the information to be provided in the Business Case which is available on the UKRI website:


To upload the Quotes select the link Quotes:

A new screen will open.

Then select the Upload quotation option. Browse to the file location and provide a Description in the box. Please use a File name which will enable identification as a quote from a company. Select Save. Add the remaining quotations using the Upload quotation option. When the Quotes have been added you will be returned to the Equipment summary screen and the attachments will be indicated:

If a Business case is required select the Business case link:

A new screen will open.

Select Upload business case option. Browse to file location and provide a Description. Select Save.

When the section has been completed and all the mandatory attachments have been uploaded then the  icon against Equipment on the Document Menu indicates that the section has been successfully completed and passes validation.

Justification required for all items of equipment costing between £10k and £115k (net of VAT and Import Duty) The research organisation will need to provide extra justification (in the Justification of Resources (or for STFC in the Case for Support) for these items, providing evidence of an evaluation of the use of existing relevant capital assets at their organisation, others in their locality or whom they have strong links with. They will be expected to make a contribution towards the cost of the equipment. Given that capital provision across councils has been reduced by about 50%, contributions of this order will be expected.

*Please note that the above limits apply to the total value of the equipment, not to the value of the equipment once the research organisation contribution has been taken off (i.e. an item of equipment costing £12k in total with a £6k research organisation contribution would not fall under the £10k to £115k threshold). All costings should be at current prices including VAT and Import Duty with no allowance for inflation.


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