NC3Rs Specific Requirements

Please see NC3Rs Applicant and Grant Holder Handbook and NC3Rs website for information on required attachments for Fellowship applications.

Attachments - General Guidance

Attachments must conform to the following requirements:


     File size limit for attachments

   The Case for Support must not exceed 10MB.


All other attachment types must not individually exceed 5MB size limit. Please avoid the use of large colour figures as these will increase file size. There is also no guarantee that documents will be reproduced in colour for the Peer review process.

Please note that Je-S System functionality will not allow the upload of attachments where the file size exceeds the above detailed maximum file sizes, therefore if any attachments fail to upload to your application, please check the PDF or Word Document properties to check the actual file size.

Further guidance on scheme specific requirements can be found in the NC3Rs Applicant and Grant Holder Handbook.