Proposals containing attachments exceeding the stated limits, or not adhering to the specified format, will not be considered.  

Attachments should be in an Arial or other standard san-serif type font no smaller than size 11.  Individual attachments are restricted to 10MB for Case for support and 5MB for other types of attachments. Please see here for cross council guidance on attachments.

These schemes and calls have unique requirements for attachments and guidance is available as follows:

Available Attachments

Case for Support


Exactly 1



1 or more

List of Publications


1 or more

Justification of Resources


Exactly 1



Exactly 1 for Research, Development and Engagement Fellowships (standard and early career routes).

Project Partner Letter of Support


*Research, Development and Engagement Fellowships (standard and early career routes): required if a Project Partner has been selected

Data Management Plan


Exactly 1 for Research, Development and Engagement Fellowships (standard and early career routes)

Head of Department Statement


Exactly 1 to be attached by approver or submitter for Research, Development and Engagement Fellowships (standard and early career routes)

Mentor Statement


Exactly 1 to be attached by approver or submitter for Research, Development and Engagement Fellowships early career route only

Visual Evidence


Up to 2 sides of A4 may be added

Case for Support

Requirements for the Case for Support vary according to the type of proposal being submitted.  For Leadership Fellowships (standard and early career routes) please refer to sections 1 and Section 4 of the AHRC Research Funding Guide:

The limit for all Fellowships/Leadership Fellows schemes is 7 sides of A4.

Summary curricula vitae

Summary CVs for each Fellow/Applicant and any named postdoctoral researchers should be attached as separate documents.

Each CV should be no more than two sides of A4 and in a font no smaller than size 11, and should include basic information about education, employment history, and academic responsibilities.

List of Publications

Summary publication/research output lists for each Fellow/Applicant and any named postdoctoral researchers should be attached as separate documents.

Each list of publication should cover major publications in the last five years and should be no more than one side of A4 and in a font no smaller than size 11.  Brief articles, conference papers, etc. need not be included.  You should asterisk those of particular relevance to your current proposal.

Justification of Resources

The Research Councils have agreed revised guidance notes for the completion of the Justification of Resources attachment in Je-S. Details are available here.

Workplan (Research, Development and Engagement Fellowships - standard and early career routes)

The Workplan attachment must be used to outline your timetable for the project and to indicate the work to be undertaken in each month of the award. It must not exceed one side of A4.

Head of Department Statement

The statement should be completed by the Head of Department or other relevant Senior Manager (if the proposed Fellow is the Head of Department then the statement should be completed by his/her line manager). Full guidance is available here

The Head of Department Statement is uploaded as an attachment by the Approver/Submitter at the research organisation where the Fellowship will be based, rather than by the applicant.

Mentor Statement (Research, Development and Engagement Fellowships - early career route only)

Fellows are required to have a mentor throughout the period of the award and they should be identified at the time of application. The mentor should ideally have research experience in the same field as the applicant and should be a senior colleague within the host institution. The following information should be included:

• details of the named mentor
• a specified time commitment to mentoring
• a clear programme of meetings and statement of contact time with the fellow
• commitment to a training and development plan
• a summary CV for the mentor, which should include basic information about education, employment history and academic responsibilities of the proposed mentor.

The Mentor Statement should be a maximum of two sides of A4 in length and in an Arial font no smaller than size 11. It should be attached to the proposal by the approver/submitter at the Research Organisation, rather than by the applicant.

Letter of Support– Project Partners

This letter should be added within the Project Partners section, not within the Attachments section. Having added the details of the organisation select 'Save' which will then provide a link for uploading the letter.  

If the Fellowship involves one or more Project Partners, a signed and dated letter of support must be attached from each Project Partner.  The letter should be written when the proposal is being prepared and targeted specifically to the Fellowship being supported.

Please note that you may only submit letters of support from named Project Partners. Any other correspondence in support for your proposal using this attachment type is not permitted and your proposal will be returned for amendment if such documentation is attached.

Data Management Plan (from 3 April 2018)

The Data Management Plan (DMP) should outline the project’s approach to managing data. It is mandatory to include for all  Research, Development and Engagement Fellowship applications, standard route and early career . A brief outline of the requirements is below, you should though refer to Section 4 of the AHRC Research Funding Guide for the complete guidance. The DMP should address these key points –

1.      1. Briefly introduce the types of data

2.      2. Detail the proposed methodologies

3.      3. How the data will be stored in the short term

4.      4. How the data will be stored in the long term

5.      5. How the data will be shared

6.      6. Ethical and legal considerations

Visual Evidence

Applications may include no more than two sides of A4 of non-textual, visual evidence in support of the proposal to illustrate the proposed aims and objectives and/or research methods. It is not permitted to include this material to supplement or replace your curriculum vitae or publications list or to illustrate previous work in any way. It is also not permitted to include workplans or Gantt charts as visual evidence, instead they should be uploaded using attachment type Workplan, see guidance above.


This attachment type should not be used unless it is expressly requested in the scheme or call guidance document.