Technology - NERC specific


NERC defines technology as any instrument, platform, sensor or technique developed, provided or used for environmental science. This includes information and communication technology; high performance computing and e-science technologies; as well as mathematical and statistical techniques. NERC will support the development of technologies to underpin our research objectives, including the development of novel technologies and the adaptation of existing technologies for environmental science, for example so they can operate in extreme conditions. Where a project is on the margin of NERC remit NERC will explore the possibility of co-funding with other research Councils (see here for further details).


Technology-led proposals are those where the focus of the project is technology development and the application of that technology falls within NERC’s remit. These can be distinguished from scientific, curiosity-driven proposals that contain an element of technology development and which would not be considered to be technology led. For technology-led proposals the ‘Case of Support’ should describe the type of science that the technology will enable, clearly define the need for the technology within the proposed field of research and describe how the technology will help advance the field.


If a project is technology-led the ‘tick box’ should be checked. This will open up a free text box where the applicant should briefly summarise the type of technology development being proposed and outline why this technology is of relevance to NERC. An indicator of the level of maturity of the technology, including the technology readiness level (see here for definitions), should also be provided. Up to 500 characters are available for this description of the technology.