Research Facilities/Existing Equipment

Background Information

Charge out costs for use of major or small research facilities. The need for the requested amount of access to the facility/must be justified in the Case for Support/ Justification of Resources, but you do not need to justify the charge out rates.

To complete the section on the Je-S System Select Add New Research Facilities/Existing Equipment Item

A new screen will open.

Description: (maximum of 100 characters including spaces and returns) The Description should identify the Facility/item of equipment. This Description will appear in lists within the proposal so should aid identification of the items.

Amount: This is the amount of funding requested from the Research Council for this item. Numeric value which can include pence e.g. £10.50

Having completed the screen:

Select “Save” from the top of the screen

If there are any validation errors address these before retrying the Save option.

You will now be returned to the Research Facilities/Existing Equipment summary screen. Additional Items should be added via Add New Research Facilities/Existing Equipment Item   You can Edit or Delete items from this screen.