Indirect Costs

Indirect Costs are a single value and do not require justification in the case for support or the Justification of Resources.

Indirect costs cover the costs of the Research Organisation’s management and administrative services, including the personnel and finance departments, library, central computing and some departmental services; plus elements of academic research support time.

Applicants should obtain these costs from their Research Organisation (RO). They will be calculated by institutions using their own cost rates and these will vary across institutions.

If the proposal is for more than one organisation, for example has Co-Investigators from multiple organisations, the component parts of the Indirect cost for each organisation should be costed separately and added together to be entered as a single composite cost.   

If the proposal is part of a Joint proposal and separate proposal forms are being submitted (applicable to BBSRC, EPSRC, NERC and STFC) then the individual RO costs should be entered on each RO submission).

Indirect costs may be included for overseas visitors, regardless of whether the support being requested includes a salary contribution or is only travel and subsistence. Indirect costs may not be included where the visiting researcher is from another UK Research Organisation.


Indirect costs may be claimed for technicians and pool technicians costed to applications submitted to opportunities launched on or after 22nd May 2023.
Infrastructure technician support must be funded by estates and indirect costs, and is therefore not eligible to attract estates and indirect costs itself.

Research Organisations should take care that the FTE of all roles Directly Allocated or Directly Incurred on research awards is included in the denominator of the research charge-out rates, and that the associated costs are excluded from the estates and indirect cost pools.

To complete the Section on the Je-S System:

Enter the Amount in the box. The value should be numeric and may include pence in the format e.g. £100.50. The amount should be 100% FEC value, the 80% value will be displayed automatically in the Resource Summary table.

Select “Save” from the top of the screen:


If any section is not completed then a validation warning will be displayed:

Please enter the correct information and Save.  When the section has been completed the    icon against the Indirect Costs on the Document Menu indicates that the section has been successfully completed and passes validation