Funding Details


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Funding Details

AHRC Specific Guidance – Extended Funding

ESRC Specific Guidance – Increased Funding


Funding Details

Note: The system will validate that this information is provided for every year from the academic year of the start date to the current academic year. The funding information must be checked, updated (as necessary) and re-submitted each year (however updates for subsequent years of a student Details would normally be done through the Batch Update Functionality ). 

Add Funding Details
The funding arrangements for the student should be entered on this page by selecting the Option. Information can then be entered for each year of funding.

Academic Year

 Select the arrow to reveal the drop down list of academic years and select the appropriate academic year.

Fulltime Equivalent (% of full time)

Indicate the percentage of full time within the available box. For full time students this will be 100 (100%) and for part time students this will be a minimum of 50 (50%).

Note: Students may be full or part time.  For students it is expected that the period of study will reflect the percentage of time spent pursuing doctoral studies e.g. if a typical duration (full-time) is three years, a half-time student might expect support for up to six years. Part time students cannot be less than 50%.

Fees Only

If the student is Fees Only, please check the tick box. This action will then remove the ‘Annual Stipend’ option. Users should complete the remaining information required below the Fees Only indicator.

Annual Stipend

Detail the annual stipend paid to the student from all sources (unless the Fees Only box has been ticked).

Note: The stipend you include should be the full annual rate paid to the student. This would include funding from any RC Training Grants during the current academic year, plus any funding from other sources (departmental, industry, non-academic etc). 

Annual Fees Paid

Detail the Annual fees paid for the current academic year.

Extended Funding (AHRC and ESRC only, see below)

Research Council funding for the current academic year

This is the percentage of the student’s funding that is being drawn from the grant. Detail the % of total funding from each Council e.g. 100 (100%).

Note: The Research Council funding for the current academic year may include support from more than one Research Council. If a student is eligible for a stipend, at least half the minimum stipend (average over the period of the entire award) must be from the Training Grant.

Select the “Save” option from the top of the screen, which will save the text you have added to the Je-S form.

Please check the tick box if the student is in receipt of an enhanced stipend for Economics or Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM).

AHRC Specific - Extended Funding

Extended funding is only available to students who have not yet commenced their doctoral study. If the student is seeking more than three years’ full-time or five years’ part-time funding then please ensure that you read the Managing Studentships section of the AHRC Training Grant Funding Guide.

If the student has undertaken a 2 year full-time or 4 year part-time Masters, and now wants to undertake a 3 year full-time or 5 year part-time doctoral at the same RO this is treated as extended doctoral funding.


ESRC Specific - Increased Funding


Please check the tick box if the student is in receipt of an enhanced stipend for Economics or Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM).